Seven employees at Satellites Unlimited were awarded promotions to Field Service Manager as a result of their participation in the “Next Move” Program. Terry Collins, Roy Cook, Wendell Jolly, Monfrea Perry, James Reynolds, Juston Rogers, and Chris Smith were promoted from Technician to Field Service Manager in each of their respective offices.
The “Next Move” Program, which is the company’s first FSM preparation course, prepared participants to take on leadership roles within the company and enabled them to learn the strategy, long-term goals, business model, culture, metrics and operations of SUI. The program consisted of a 3-day workshop at SUI’s Birmingham Headquarters, including a class that taught skills needed to transition from an individual contributor to a manager, and 6 weeks of on-the-job training, including Routing and Calendar Management, Field Work, Office Tasks, Reporting and Analysis. Participants were trained to perform the everyday tasks of a Field Service Manager by working shoulder-to-shoulder with the office staff and Office Managers. The experience helped participants learn the role in order to be able to quickly transition into the FSM position when openings became available.